
Sounds like this *could* be a candidate for something to add to our legacy 
support package. see


A port for this exists in MacPorts, and is applied as required to ports that 
need the support layer using the legacysupport PortGroup.

I think if we are to have a compatibility layer, as you describe below, putting 
it in the same place as the above is the way to go, so please take a look and 
submit MRs adding what you think is needed to it.


> On 3 Jun 2020, at 7:01 pm, Jason Liu <jason...@umich.edu> wrote:
> In my course of packaging some new ports, I've run across a couple instances 
> of applications which are claimed by their devs to only be compatible with 
> "macOS 10.12 and above". However, I've discovered that in reality, the only 
> reason they're no longer compatible with older versions of macOS is because 
> the names of a lot of constants changed in AppKit starting in 10.12. All of 
> these constants appear to be related to either the drawing of GUI Cocoa 
> windows or UI events (e.g. mouse down, mouse dragged, etc.).
> So far, I've encountered two pieces of software where this is happening: 
> Blender and MaterialX.
> A solution I found which some projects (e.g. Qemu) have implemented basically 
> replaces the new AppKit constants with the old AppKit ones using #define 
> directives if the OS version is below 10.12. I've created a separate header 
> file that gathers together a list of the constants I've been able to find, 
> which is modeled on information from this message:
> https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2017-04/msg04330.html 
> <https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2017-04/msg04330.html>
> I'm doing my portfile development on a machine running 10.11, and have 
> verified that my patch seems to allow me to build these applications without 
> any noticeable issues (no runtime crashes, segfaults, etc.).
> So my question to everyone is: Should I just add my header file to the files/ 
> folder for whichever ports need it? Or is this something that might benefit 
> from me creating a project in GitHub? I'm guessing that there could be other 
> software packages which might benefit from such a compatibility layer.
> -- 
> Jason Liu

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