> On Jun 23, 2020, at 00:48, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> You yourself have suggested multiple times that we should move more towards 
> always using MacPorts compilers on older systems even for ports that don't 
> require it because it's less easier for the maintainer to be able to assume a 
> certain recent baseline functionality, and I've argued against that (on the 
> basis of bloat, on the basis of extra build time on the buildbot as 
> dependencies get activated and deactivated, on the basis of extra wear and 
> tear on the SSDs used on the buildbot).

I do think this would be a good idea. As soon as the default xcode compiler 
can't build most ports, make one macports-clang the default compiler for all 
older systems.

Right now, this might mean all systems up to 10.11 default to clang-9.0, for 
example. And don't change that too often either.

Tons of needless work would disappear.

Is it impossible to avoid the buildbot uninstall/reinstall issue? That would be 
an unfortunate reason not to do this.


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