> On 15 Dec 2020, at 3:40 pm, Christopher Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> 
> wrote:
>> On 15 Dec 2020, at 3:26 pm, Joshua Root <j...@macports.org 
>> <mailto:j...@macports.org>> wrote:
>> On 2020-12-16 02:11 , Christopher Jones wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Just a warning that following the macOS 11.1 update (and corresponding
>>> Xcode 12.3) the SDK version has indeed changed from 11.0 to 11.1
>>> Oberon ~/Projects/MacPorts/base > ls
>>> /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs
>>> DriverKit20.2.sdkMacOSX.sdkMacOSX11.1.sdk
>>> Oberon ~/Projects/MacPorts/base > ls
>>> /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/                  
>>> MacOSX.sdkMacOSX10.15.sdkMacOSX11.1.sdk
>>> This causes problems, as there appears to be places in base that assume
>>> the SDk would always be 11.0 for all Big Sur, macOS11 releases, e.g.
>>> Oberon ~/Projects/MacPorts/ports > sudo port -s -v configure root6
>>> Warning: The macOS 11.0 SDK does not appear to be installed. Ports may
>>> not build correctly.
>>> Warning: You can install it as part of the Xcode Command Line Tools
>>> package by running `xcode-select --install’.
>>> I haven’t checked in detail, but at least 
>>> https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1157
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1157>
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1157
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1157>>
>>> https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1164
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1164>
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1164
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-base/blob/6c1396fd48a85c71cda98bc169f95561e07d1eda/src/macports1.0/macports.tcl#L1164>>
>>> are two places that need fixing.
>>> As I guess people running macOS11 are likely to update to 11.1, we
>>> should probably look to fixing this quite quickly.
>> Did you check what happens with the release or just master? It's not
>> quite as urgent as you might think in any case, since it will fall back
>> to MacOSX.sdk. It won't be a problem until that starts pointing to the
>> macOS 12 SDK.
> Yes, you are right, ${configure.sdkroot} does indeed fallback to the 
> versionless SDK path, but there are other variables like 
> ${configure.sdk_version} which are set incorrectly now, and thus any port 
> explicitly using these will likely run into problems.

Suggestion for a fix...


>> - Josh

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