Thanks Mojca!

It's something I definitely want to do, but at the moment I'm busy with my
PhD manuscript. Hopefully it will be the end soon, and I'll dedicate a bit
of time to it.

On Sun, Mar 14, 2021 at 1:28 PM Mojca Miklavec <> wrote:

> There's an interesting piece of news on slashdot:
> Open-Source App Lets Anyone Create a Virtual Army of Hackintoshes
> This might potentially simplify doing CI on pull request on local
> infrastructure, the major disadvantage for us is that nobody did the
> work yet to make the older versions of Mac OS X work (according to the
> author of OSX-KVM that should be feasible). Here's a cool tutorial
> that might help understand the needs:
> but it still needs quite some work to be done.
> Mojca

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