On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 10:42 PM Ken Cunningham <
ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A set of pages with some screenshots of some of the cool GUI software and
> games, like SNAP has for Ubuntu.

To piggyback off Ken's statement, as a part of the modernization efforts
for the website, it would be nice to have a section or infobox on the
MacPorts front page with either a featured "App of the Day" or "App of the
Week", similar to what is in the iOS/Mac App Store. Just off the top of my
head, I can think of over a dozen candidates, including GIMP, Inkscape,
VLC, Blender, Audacity, KeePassXC, Battle for Wesnoth, SuperTuxKart, etc.
We could even automatically populate the text of the infobox with the
long_description directly from the portfiles. Add some pretty screenshots,
and of course, the bottom would always say something like:

    To install this app using MacPorts, run this command

        sudo port install gimp

    in a terminal window.

We could even make it so that if a visitor to the website clicks on the
text for the "sudo port install" line, it automatically copies the command
to their clipboard. I think that just adding this one thing could make the
MacPorts website feel more lively and dynamic.

I can also help with a redesign or modernization of the public-facing
website. I did some professional web design work to put myself through
college. I'm more of a web programmer than a graphic designer, but taking
good-looking screenshots of apps shouldn't be too difficult. Even better
would be to scrape the screenshots directly from the project authors'
websites, since they are much more likely to have up-to-date screenshots
whenever they make changes to their UI.

Jason Liu

On Wed, Apr 21, 2021 at 10:42 PM Ken Cunningham <
ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com> wrote:

> various people have come along with some good ideas over the five years
> I’ve been around.
> A set of pages with some screenshots of some of the cool GUI software and
> games, like SNAP has for Ubuntu.
> A rewrite of the very old and dated and cobwebby website.
> To be honest —  these people in the end have not been encouraged to
> proceed. “I’ll get to that” or “Who is going to do that?” or “Why should we
> do that?” are far more common responses.
> So — start there, I would volunteer.
> Ken

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