The MPI wrapper ports (openmpi, mpich) for Xcode avoid binary archives from 
builders. The stated reason (currently in the mpiutil 1.0 portgroup) is that 
the builder and user may have different Xcode versions. This goes back at least 
to in 2014; not 
aware if discussed further elsewhere.

I am curious: is this still an issue (whether for the original reasons and/or 

Consider what happens if Xcode is updated—either on the builder, or on a user’s 
machine where they’ve locally built MPI wrapper ports: would the MPI wrapper 
ports need to be rebuilt? If not, then avoiding the binary archive from the 
builder seems needlessly restrictive. (If so, however, I’m not aware whether 
the ports detect they need to be rebuilt and prompt the user to do so.)

Christopher A. Chavez

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