> On 2 Oct 2021, at 8:06 pm, Ken Cunningham <ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> That is exactly the approach that I don't find workable, Chris.
> Specifically:
> 1. every single port (think: rust, ghc, blah blah) will have to be needlessly 
> managed to build against an alternate openssl location.

why ? They can start of using the shim port and only use the isolated builds as 
and when they are ready

> 2. there will be no default openssl ever in prefix.

why not ? The boost set has one and I see no reason why openssl cannot as well.


> So I am not on board for trying to implement that myself, but should that be 
> the selected course I will watch from the sidelines as others proceed down 
> that path.
> K
>> On Oct 2, 2021, at 12:02 PM, Chris Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk 
>> <mailto:jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Personally I would strongly recommend following a migration path that does 
>> not require an enmass change but allows ports to migrate  at their own pace. 
>> I would personally very much recommend an approach similar to that we used 
>> for boost recently
>> 1. Introduced a set of new isolated opensslXYZ ports that install specific 
>> versions into isolated install areas under libexec.
>> 2. Create a new portgroup that handles the confirmation of ports to pick the 
>> openssl version they wish to use, with some default, and performs various 
>> standard configurations for standard build systems such that for most ports 
>> they work out the box with the new portgroup. For those that don’t provide 
>> various proc methods that return the configured install paths such that 
>> ports can used them to configure themselves as required.
>> 3. Make the current openssl port a basic shim port that just installs sym 
>> links into the primary install area to the default openssl version (for now 
>> 1.1.1), so ports building against the current openssl port carry on working 
>> just as they are now, but are redirected to use the same versioned 1.1.1 
>> port as those using the PG.
>> Once this is in place, ports can be migrated to use the new PG individually 
>> as and when we want.
>> Chris
>>> On 2 Oct 2021, at 6:17 pm, Ken Cunningham <ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:ken.cunningham.web...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> openssl 3.0.0 is out, with a new and very favourable Apache-2 license that 
>>> will let many previously non-distributable ports become distributable.  
>>> However, there are 758 ports that indicate they link against openssl. That 
>>> is a daunting number of ports indeed.
>>> One option might be to move all of our openssl ports (1.0, 1.1, and 3.x) 
>>> into subdirectories out of ${prefix}, have no default openssl installed in 
>>> $[prefix} directly, create a new PortGroup, openssl_select or some such, 
>>> add that PG to all 758 ports, default it to openssl 1.1.1, and then allow 
>>> people to gradually move the 758 ports to openssl 3.0.0 as they get to it.
>>> Although that is possible with suitable effort, I don’t think that is 
>>> workable for many reasons, the most obvious being that we would then have 
>>> to modify every single port in some way to find an openssl installed into a 
>>> non-default prefix. Creating the PG and adding it to 758 ports might be 
>>> work enough, but then finding the right way to force all 758 ports to build 
>>> properly against an openssl that is not in the default prefix is the real 
>>> horror, and seems like a nightmare of wasted labours.
>>> So it would appear that the same option that was chosen last time, ie 
>>> upgrade the default openssl in ${prefix} to the newer openssl, and then fix 
>>> the subset of ports that will not build against it to use an older openssl 
>>> appears both the better option and lot less work (assuming most ports do 
>>> build against openssl 3.0.0, which seems to be the case so far). Some will 
>>> disagree, but I put it to you that it is going to be far less work in the 
>>> end to force a few % of the ports to a specific alternate openssl than 
>>> force all of them, all the time, forever.
>>> Most things I have attempted to rebuild over the past few days have rebuilt 
>>> without any issues, but a few things don’t build with openssl 3.0.0 yet and 
>>> will need to stay with openssl 1.1.1 for a while until patched or updated 
>>> (or forever). That will require both forcing those ports to find an 
>>> alternate openssl installation, and also (the tricky part) forcing them to 
>>> ignore the openssl in the default prefix.
>>> To support this, there is a new openssl11 port that provides openssl 1.1.1 
>>> tucked away in a subdir, much like we have openssl10, and a few new options 
>>> were added to the old_openssl PortGroup to allow most ports to be forced to 
>>> the alternate openssl with minimal fuss. Add the PortGroup, spec the 
>>> branch, and choose the method, for the most part.
>>> If this plan holds, I would anticipate that we move ports that we find need 
>>> to stay on openssl 1.1.1 to openssl11 using the old_openssl PortGroup soon 
>>> or now, before we upgrade to openssl 3.0.0 to minimize fuss. Then once we 
>>> have done that, upgrading the default openssl to 3.0.0 and revbumping the 
>>> deps would occur.
>>> So I am asking that anyone with an interest in a port that uses openssl 
>>> please try building it against openssl 3.0.0 in the PR below, and if there 
>>> is a problem that can’t be solved by an update or a patch, consider trying 
>>> to use the old_openssl PortGroup to fix the build and move it over. As 
>>> there are so many ports, it would help if people pitched in with the ones 
>>> that are important to them.
>>> The openssl 3.0.0 upgrade PR is here:
>>> https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/12410 
>>> <https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/12410>
>>> and my own WIP repo of a few ports that I have found won’t build with 
>>> openssl 3.0.0 at present and fixed to use the old_openssl PG is here:
>>> https://github.com/kencu/mybigsuroverlay/ 
>>> <https://github.com/kencu/mybigsuroverlay/>
>>> the idea is that the ports in that repo would be moved into the main repo 
>>> as we work through the main ones that use openssl at least.
>>> K
>>> PS. One thing I have not yet sorted out how to do is how to support 
>>> libressl in the setting of needing to force a port to openssl 1.1.1 using 
>>> the old_openssl PortGroup. Open to any thoughts on this. This case wsa 
>>> basically just ignored last time with openssl10, and we may have to do the 
>>> same again unless someone has a bright idea.

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