On Jul 3, 2022, at 13:38, Ken Cunningham wrote:

> You can (sometimes) use macports-libcxx to get past this. This however 
> introduces two versions of libc++.dylib into the softare mixture, and this 
> sometimes causes errors due to incompatibilities between libc++ versions (ODR 
> errors). If you are taking this route, linking in the newer libc++.a 
> statically has a higher chance of working properly (that is what Chrome does 
> on older MacOS systems).

If a port X links to a static library provided by a port Y, you should increase 
the revision of port X whenever port Y is updated to a new version so that your 
port X receives the new version of the static library. A comment should be left 
in port Y advising whoever updates it to do that.

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