On Jul 15, 2022, at 09:55, Chris Jones wrote:

> On 15/07/2022 3:49 pm, Mark Brethen wrote:
>> -rw-r--r--    1 root  wheel  346545 Jan  1  2020 cert.pem
> The above could be your problem, as that is very old, 2.5 years or so now. It 
> actually pre-dates the public release of macOS 11, which wasn't until 
> November that year, which makes it quite suspicious...
> In comparison mine is from May this year, on macOS12. I would imagine the 
> same on macOS 11 to be much more up to date than the above.

I don't believe the above indicates a problem with Mark's system but rather a 
strangeness of macOS 11. On both an Intel MacBook Pro and on an Apple Silicon 
Mac mini I have access to, the creation and modification date of the macOS 11 
disk volume and all of its system files is and has always been Jan 1, 2020 
midnight California time. The same is not true of macOS 12 volumes on the same 

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