On 2022-7-27 22:30 , Chris Jones wrote:

On 27/07/2022 1:14 pm, Mark Brethen wrote:
log for gcc build: https://pastebin.com/qbmWHm1M <https://pastebin.com/qbmWHm1M>

above shows gcc is indeed being used to build c++ code

:info:build /opt/local/bin/g++-mp-12  userFunction.o  AsplitA.o AsplitL.o adjustMidsideNode.o compareStrings.o XFunktions.o badelems.o bodyMesh2.o bsort.o bsortf.o bsorti.o calcNormalen.o calcPrinc.o calcPvector.o calcWeight.o checkIfNumber.o cgx.o compare.o copyEntity.o corrad.o dataGeo.o dataMesh.o defineEntity.o dispLists.o elemChecker.o extFunktions.o extGL.o fillBody2.o frecord.o foamFaces.o gl3grades.o getGeoDataTria.o graph.o ifind.o iinsert.o improveBadTr3.o improveMesh.o iniMeshData.o intpol.o intpol2.o intpol3.o iremove.o linelength.o m_copy.o m_sub.o mergEntity.o mesh2d.o meshSet.o meshSurf.o messages.o near3d.o normdist.o nurbl2seq.o orient.o p_angle.o parser.o pickFunktions.o plotFunktions.o readAnsysList.o readEdges.o readfrd.o readFoam.o readStdCmap.o readStl.o readccx.o readDuns.o readNastran.o readNG.o readTG.o readIsaac.o readstep.o readWf.o rectcyl.o renumberfrd.o selectDisplayFaces.o sendMpc.o sendSet.o setFunktions.o shapeFunctions.o spline.o splitElementsToTets.o stof.o stoi.o stopClock.o stos.o strfind.o strsplt.o sins.o surfMesh2.o sword.o trackball.o v_distA.o v_rec2cyl.o v_add.o v_angle.o v_angle_ref.o v_betrag.o v_matmult.o v_norm.o v_prod.o v_result.o v_scal.o v_rot.o v_sprod.o m_prod.o m_prodtr.o write2aba.o write2ansys.o write2aster.o write2darwin.o write2dolfyn.o write2isaac.o write2duns.o write2frd.o write2foam.o write2nas.o write2samcef.o write2tochnog.o writefbd.o writebp.o contact.o makeTriFromElems.o uselibSNL.cpp generateTet.cpp ../../libSNL/src/*.cpp  -O2 -Wall -Wno-narrowing -I./ -I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include/GL -I../../libSNL/src -I../../glut-3.5/src  -L/opt/local/lib -lGL -lGLU -lglut -lX11 -lXi -lXmu -lXext -lXt -lSM -lICE -lm -lpthread -o  cgx

this is not really supported. Your time would be better spent fixing the issues with using clang++ to build.

It's also not passing in the MacPorts CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and LDFLAGS. If it's a handcrafted Makefile, it may need some modification to even accept and use those.

- Josh

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