> On 24 Sep 2022, at 9:52 am, Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.li...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Sat, 24 Sept 2022 at 10:30, Chris Jones wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have noticed the ports web site appears to give some odd looking 
>> dependencies between ports. Take as a random example
>> https://ports.macports.org/port/pciids/details/
>> clang-15 is listed as a build dep. if you check the port file though I see 
>> no reason for this at all, in fact the port does not build anything and just 
>> installs a single file during destroot. So why does the site give the build 
>> dep it does ? Just running
>> port info pciids
>> On macOS12 does not give any deps, as expected.
>> I guess a probably related question is what OS is used to generate the deps, 
>> as these do vary across OSes, particularly build deps, and this is something 
>> the site does not take into account.
> The list is generated inside a Docker container (that is: on Linux),
> apparently with "-p macosx_19_i386":
> https://github.com/macports/macports-webapp/blob/22e548bd3dd05860f53e1d16899b1e8364c69796/app/parsing_scripts/git_update.py#L59

Ah, it runs on linux..

subprocess.run(['portindex', '-p', 'macosx_19_i386', '-x'])

Do I understand the above correctly in that it is supposed to mimic a Darwin 19 
machine ?

I think my question still remains, regardless of the arch why is clang-x being 
listed as a build dep, for a port that doesn’t need it ?

> Mojca

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