On Jun 27, 2007, at 06:33, Dimitri Hendriks wrote:

I just installed Macports, version 1.442.
The first port I want to install, fails to build.
Here's the output:

$ sudo port install coq
--->  Fetching ocaml
---> Attempting to fetch ocaml-3.10.0.tar.bz2 from http:// caml.inria.fr/pub/distrib/ocaml-3.10/
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for ocaml
--->  Extracting ocaml
--->  Configuring ocaml
--->  Building ocaml with target world.opt
--->  Staging ocaml into destroot
--->  Installing ocaml 3.10.0_0
--->  Activating ocaml 3.10.0_0
--->  Cleaning ocaml
--->  Fetching coq
Error: No defined site for tag: coq, using master_sites
---> Attempting to fetch coq-8.1.tar.gz from ftp://ftp.inria.fr/ INRIA/coq/V8.1/
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for coq
--->  Extracting coq
--->  Configuring coq
--->  Building coq with target world
Error: Target com.apple.build returned: shell command " cd "/opt/ local/var/db/dports/build/ _Volumes_Users_opt_local_var_db_dports_sources_rsync.rsync.darwinports .org_dpupdate_dports_lang_coq/work/coq-8.1" && make world " returned error 2
Command output: OCAMLC    config/coq_config.mli
OCAMLOPT  config/coq_config.ml
ECHO... > scripts/tolink.ml
OCAMLOPT  scripts/tolink.ml
OCAMLOPT  scripts/coqmktop.ml
OCAMLOPT -o bin/coqmktop.opt
cd bin; ln -sf coqmktop.opt coqmktop
OCAMLC    lib/pp_control.mli
OCAMLOPT  lib/pp_control.ml
OCAMLC    lib/pp.mli
OCAMLOPT4 lib/pp.ml4
OCAMLOPT  lib/compat.ml4
Camlp4: Uncaught exception: DynLoader.Error ("pa_ifdef.cmo", "file not found in path")

Preprocessor error
make: *** [lib/compat.cmx] Error 2

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

So this is a problem with coq, not ocaml. Since Emmanuel has provided insight on why this is, I'll skip ahead to the next question:

I also tried to install port xfig, but again without succes:

$ sudo port install xfig
--->  Fetching Xaw3d
---> Attempting to fetch Xaw3d-1.5E.tar.gz from ftp://ftp.visi.com/ users/hawkeyd/X/
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for Xaw3d
--->  Extracting Xaw3d
--->  Configuring Xaw3d
--->  Building Xaw3d with target all
--->  Staging Xaw3d into destroot
--->  Installing Xaw3d 1.5E_0
--->  Activating Xaw3d 1.5E_0
Error: Target com.apple.activate returned: Image error: /usr/X11R6/ include/X11/Xaw3d/AllWidgets.h already exists and does not belong to a registered port. Unable to activate port Xaw3d. Error: The following dependencies failed to build: Xaw3d ghostscript jpeg libpng zlib transfig netpbm jasper tiff
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

This is a problem with Xaw3d, not xfig. I do not have /usr/X11R6/ include/X11/Xaw3d/AllWidgets.h on my system, but you apparently do. Perhaps you had MacPorts installed before, had Xaw3d installed with it before, you removed MacPorts, and then reinstalled MacPorts, and now it's finding bits that were left behind? Or perhaps you had Xaw3d installed before without MacPorts which it's now colliding with? Either way, you could probably safely force the install of Xaw3d to get it to overwrite any files it finds:

sudo port -nf install Xaw3d

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