Le dimanche, 22 juil 2007, à 20:26 Europe/Paris, Ryan Schmidt a écrit :

On Jul 22, 2007, at 09:32, Thomas De Contes wrote:

Le dimanche, 22 juil 2007, à 12:43 Europe/Paris, Thomas De Contes a écrit :

Le lundi, 15 jan 2007, à 12:14 Europe/Paris, Matthias Steinbeck a écrit :

2007/1/15, Thomas De Contes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

i don't find on http://www.macports.org/ how to start with macports

isn't it an svn command to replace
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/src/cvs/od >>>>> login cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/Volumes/src/cvs/od co -P darwinports
which was needed to begin with darwinports ?

I think you won't need svn these days to start with macports.

i would like to make a script which automatically install macports if it's not installed, and update it if it is already installed (like the one i made with cvs)
how to do that ?

To install MacPorts, download the latest disk image for you OS from (currently) here:

http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/browser/downloads/ MacPorts-1.5.0

To update MacPorts, type "sudo port selfupdate".

I'm sure you can write a script to handle this. If /opt/local/bin/port does not exist then download and install MacPorts 1.5.0. And either way, selfupdate it to make sure it's up to date.

i trust you that it's possible to make that,
but i don't know make scripts enough, above all the url to download will change

and i always prefer download sources with a protocol that allow to keep unchanged files (like svn or rsync), than download archives

on https://libre.adacore.com/GtkAda/main.html there is
svn checkout http://svn.eu.adacore.com/anonsvn/Dev/trunk/GtkAda
regarding to http://www.macports.org/?page_id=4 does that mean i have just to do
svn checkout http://svn.eu.adacore.com/anonsvn/Dev/trunk/GtkAda
(anyway it would be nice to tell it on the website :-) )

I don't know why you think GtkAda is related to MacPorts... It's not.

sorry, it was a mistake
i didn't think at all that GtkAda was related to MacPorts

instead, i wanted to say :

on https://libre.adacore.com/GtkAda/main.html there is
svn checkout http://svn.eu.adacore.com/anonsvn/Dev/trunk/GtkAda

regarding to http://www.macports.org/?page_id=4 does that mean i have just to do
svn checkout http://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/
(anyway it would be nice to tell it on the website :-) )

but i hadn't read the svn help
now i have :-)

i would say
svn checkout http://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/
of course :-)

well, reading the svn help, it seems to be the right svn command,
but it seems to not be the right url :-(
is there an url that i can use, which will always give me the last version of macports, please ? http://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/trunk/ ? i'll try it, but i would like have a confirmation :-)

The latest development version of the MacPorts code,

which may not work or may not work with the current portfiles,

ok, so i'm aware :-)



thank you :-)

2 questions :

i remember that the cvs command caused to download
and some readme files

1 : does't it need to download at least dports, to know the list of available ports ??

2 : why is there no longer in macports the readme files that there were in darwinports ?

There is no URL which always points to the latest stable released version.

it's a pity
(i would need it for my script, i don't know how to detect it automatically)

The latest right now is:


thank you :-)

You don't really need to get the code from out repository though. Just download and install the disk image as above. Though you can certainly build it from source if you prefer that, for some reason.

i want to personalize the install directory to not need to be root, i don't know if the binaries would support it (svn doesn't support it)

On Jul 22, 2007, at 05:43, Thomas De Contes wrote:

btw, i have an other question for this script :

i did
port install gtk2
port upgrade gtk2
and often it doesn't works

"it doesn't works" is not a bug report we can do anything with. Show us the actual output you receive, tell us what version of MacPorts, Xcode and Mac OS X you have, what architecture you're on, etc. and maybe we can help then.

port install may do sth wrong if the port is already installed

what can i do instead ?

True, "port install" doesn't work if the port is already installed. That's why there's "port upgrade".

well, i posted this question before seeing that now port install gtk2 does nothing if gtk2 is installed

i had problems when it tried to install anyway, and so made a part of the upgrade but not as it should
thanks to all for this improovement :-)

(btw, currently port upgrade outdated gives a big error msg if there is no port outdated)

Mon CV : http://tDeContes.hd.free.fr/divers/emploi/

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