On 9-Oct-07, at 6:17 PM, Instruct ICC wrote:

> Excellent question :-) I have no idea. Is there some constant that
> macports uses to determine the architecture? I mean can I tweak
> something somewhere for it not to think that I'm running on
> a) a PPC machine
> b) on 64 bits
> (my machine is an Intel Core Duo with OS X 10.4.10)
> Thanks,
> Igor

I just installed python25 yesterday on 2 separate Intel Macs without problems.
Mac Pro: Quad-Core 2 Duo
MacBook Pro: Core 2 Duo
I'll try the Mac Mini today: Core Duo.
All on 10.4.10

How about:
port clean python25
port selfupdate
port install python25

sudo as needed ;)

I'm trying to install on a MBP as well (although Core Duo). That sequence is essentially the same as I was doing before, because everything was up to date already.

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