On 10/28/07, Anders F Björklund afb-at-macports.org |MacPorts|
> js wrote:
> > http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=20070524074057479
> >> From this article, I learned how we can easily speed up build phase
> >> of MacPorts.
> >
> > Can I make this behavior (-j) default for all ports using make?
> In MacPorts 1.6, you can set the -j parameter with "build.jobs".
> ( see http://trac.macports.org/projects/macports/ticket/12280 )
> However, you probably *don't* want to set it to "infinite" but
> instead to a reasonable number for your machine like 2 or 4...
> Note that some ports will fail to build, when using "make -j 2"
> And using a very large number will cause the build to go slower.

Cool!  When do you expect (or estimate) release 1.6 will be available?


Joel Thibault [AIM: Jole Tebo]
Software Engineer in Boston
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