On Nov 19, 2007, at 14:02, Weissmann Markus wrote:

10.3 is not officially supported anymore*) and I do not even have access to a 10.3 box. I'll happily add any patch for 10.3 that does not conflict with 10.4 or 10.5 but I don't have a way of testing it.


*) which doesn't mean anyone will break stuff on purpose

This is the first I've heard of 10.3 not being supported anymore.

Historically MacPorts has supported the current Mac OS X release and the previous one, and granted, 10.5 was just released. But a lot of ports aren't working so great on Leopard right now [1]. If a decision is made to drop 10.3 support, I would hope that we would wait until the 10.5 bug reports stop bucketing in and we can honestly say that the MacPorts experience on 10.5 is at least as good as it was on 10.4. And we are currently far from that.

Note that the new guide [2] does not seem to indicate what versions of Mac OS X are supported. It should so indicate, fairly near the top.

[1] http://trac.macports.org/projects/macports/query? status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&summary=% 7Eleopard&order=priority

[2] http://geeklair.net/new_macports_guide/

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