What Mac do you have? Did you previously have a different Mac, back when you originally installed MacPorts? Maybe you used Migration Assistant to transfer everything (including MacPorts) from the old Mac to the new Mac? IF the old Mac was PowerPC-based and the new one is Intel-based, that could explain the error you're seeing, and you should really uninstall everything and start over. You can use "port installed" to see what ports are installed. Once you reinstall MacPorts, you can manually reinstall all those ports. To uninstall MacPorts, follow these instructions:

http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/wiki/ FAQ#HowdoIremoveoruninstallMacPorts

If you're sure MacPorts previously worked on this Mac, then it shouldn't be necessary to uninstall, though I can't yet explain what else might be going on.

It also sounds like your PATH is not correct since it can't find the port command. Instructions for installing MacPorts properly, including setting the PATH (which doesn't really have anything to do with X11 in this case) are currently here:


On Nov 25, 2007, at 11:32, tania habib wrote:

so do i need to uninstall the macport and reinstall it?
I do not understand one thing as the last time it was working on my
system and I installed various packages!
Please let me know if there is a way of saving the packages I
installed through macports before I delete it from my system?

On Nov 25, 2007 6:21 PM, paul beard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 11/25/07, tania habib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear List,
It has been long since I installed macports on my mac osx 10.4. I used
the ports to install many packages but then I went on to do  some
other things and did not use ports for a while. Last week, when I
tried to intialize the port, it did not work!
When I go to and X11 terminal and type port , it gives me the
following error message

Error: /opt/local/bin/port: Failed to initialize ports system, no
suitable image found.  Did find:
mach-o, but wrong architecture

sounds like you have an Intel system with a PPC code base installed. the problem isn't in your PATH, as it find port correctly, but can't run it.
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