On Nov 26, 2007, at 23:54, Gregory Dodwell wrote:

Basically, I'm trying to install Kate, and I understand this necessitates an installation of KDE
(sudo port install kde)

The first of my failed dependancy installations is kdepim3. I tried installing separately and this is
the result:

--->  Building kdepim3 with target all
Error: Target org.macports.build returned: shell command "cd /opt/ local/var/macports/build/ _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_kde_k depim3/work/kdepim- 3.5.8 && ./CompileScript.sh" returned error 1
Command output: kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'attlist.em'
kxml_compiler: REF strong
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'strong'
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'strong'
kxml_compiler: REF attlist.strong
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'attlist.strong'
kxml_compiler: REF br
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'br'
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'br'
kxml_compiler: REF attlist.br
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'attlist.br'
kxml_compiler: REF responsible
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'responsible'
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for 'responsible'
kxml_compiler: REF attlist.responsible
kxml_compiler: substituteReferences for ' attlist.responsible'
kxml_compiler: REF category
kxml_compiler: Don't resolve self reference
kxml_compiler: Begin creating code
kxml_compiler: Create classes
kxml_compiler: Create parser
kxml_compiler: Creator::createFileParserCustom()
kxml_compiler: Begin printing code
kxml_compiler: Print external parser.
kxml_compiler: Print header
kxml_compiler: Print implementation
kxml_compiler: Finished.
Error creating ./kresources/featureplan/kde- features.h. Exit status 140. ../../kode/kxml_compiler/kxml_compiler --custom-parser /opt/local/ var/macports/build/ _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_kde_k depim3/work/kdepim-3.5.8/kresources/featureplan/kde- features.rng
kdepim3-3.5.8-0 make failed!

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

Any clues?

There's also this bug about kdepim3:


Don't know if it's related.

You should indicate your version of Mac OS X, Xcode and MacPorts, and what processor architecture you're using. If the above bug is not the same as yours, you should file a new bug. Instructions are here:


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