On Dec 2, 2007, at 17:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm having the same problem with slib-guile16. Can you tell me how to implement the fix? It isn't obvious to me. I tried a "port selfupdate" and then "port install slib-guile16", but it doesn't look like anything has changed. Still bombs out.

The rsync server only pulls changes from the subversion server every 30 minutes and the portindex is only rebuilt every 12 hours. If you wait 12 hours, then "sudo port selfupdate", you should see new versions of guile16 and slib-guile16 which should fix the issue.

Or, if you need it sooner, you can wait just 30 minutes, and then install (or, if already installed, forcibly upgrade) these ports. They'll get the new versions, even if the portindex doesn't yet show them.

So, if you already have guile16 installed, you could:

sudo port -ncuf upgrade guile16

Then, if you don't have slib-guile16 installed yet, you could:

sudo port install slib-guile16

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