
The Facts: I am using an intel MacBook with OS X 10.5.2. I am new to MacPorts. I recently downloaded MacPorts-1.6.0-10.5-Leopard.dmg. I still have not (third try) been able get MacPorts to install correctly. In particular, the directories


do not exist.

The History: The first time I tried to install MacPorts, my .profile was not modified. I did it, and I also tried to modify /etc/X11/xinit/ xinitrc, which is when I noticed it isn't there. However, X11 did create /usr/X11/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc when I installed it.

Then I reran the installer. Progress, as the port command was now recognized. I tried to install my first port, gv 3.6.3. It did not work; it installed, but when I tried to execute the gv command, it would not run.

I tried the whole process over. Now, MacPorts seems to be working, and so is gv! But the three directories listed above are still absent. Any advice?


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