On Apr 7, 2008, at 4:08 AM, Randall Wood wrote:

On Mon, Apr 7, 2008 at 3:25 AM, Guido Soranzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
On Apr 7, 2008, at 9:10 AM, William Davis wrote:

As I previously reported: I did (and still do) have rarian installed.

Have you already tried to reinstall it with

"sudo port -f uninstall rarian ; sudo port install rarian" ?

I think I might understand the problem now. At some point port may
have attempted to activate, and been blocked by the then active
scrollkeeper port. Upgrading scrollkeeper may have deactivated
scrollkeeper without activating rarian, leading to the empty state
that William saw.

Is rarian active? If "port list active | grep rarian" does not return
"rarian   @0.8.0   textproc/rarian" then a "sudo port activate rarian"
should do the trick.


Randall Wood

"The rules are simple: The ball is round. The game lasts 90 minutes.
All the rest is just philosophy."

macintosh:~ frstan$ port list active | grep rarian
rarian                         @0.8.0          textproc/rarian
macintosh:~ frstan$
and I previously reported:
macintosh:~ frstan$ port installed rarian
The following ports are currently installed:
  rarian @0.8.0_0 (active)
macintosh:~ frstan$
which runs somewhat faster btw.

ok,I tried Guido's suggestion and uninstalled (-f) rarian and reinstalled it.
Now both bug-buddy and gnome-applets upgrade ok!

I'll go on with my upgrades of the other 5 programs I previously reported but so far this does seem to fix the problem. Im sorry to have been so "persnickkidy" Randall. I know you do a LOT of work for the MacPorts system, and I appreciate that. Still and all, can you imagine how frustrated I felt when after doing "what I was told to do" suddenly program after program would not upgrade AND the path back to the old system was blocked? AND nobody seemed to believe there was a real problem?

best regards

William Davis
Mac OS X.5.2 Darwin 9.2.2
Xquartz 2.2.0 - (xorg-server 1.3.0-apple13)
Mac Mini Intel Duo @ 1.86 GHz

Mundus vult decepi, ego non

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