On Oct 7, 2008, at 9:35 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> For the next release, I think we need version 1.7.0, not 1.6.1,
> because there are countless new features and a year's worth of bug
> fixes. That much work deserves more than just a bugfix version number
> increase. That means we release from trunk, not the 1.6 branch. A
> concern of mine is that the 1.6 branch contains some work that was
> done only there and not on trunk. I believe some of it was done on
> trunk in a different way, but I don't know if all changes from the
> 1.6 branch got put in trunk. Someone needs to figure out whether it
> was, and if not, identify what needs to be ported from 1.6 to trunk.
> Ideally that would happen before a 1.7.0 release.

I agree entirely.  I know that some kind folks have also been  
tentatively tossing their hat in the ring for this job, and for that I  
think we should all be thankful and also willing to both encourage and  
help them do so in any way necessary, but I also agree that we haven't  
had a release in some time and the accumulated backlog of work is  
likely to be a little daunting to anyone who isn't already intimately  
familiar with MacPorts.

Ryan.  I hate to do this to you, I really do, but given the degree to  
which you've been active in this project and the fact that you clearly  
know your way around, I don't suppose YOU would be willing to do this  
for at least one release, just to get the ball rolling again, as it  
were?   The quoted paragraph clearly demonstrates an agenda of sorts,  
without which any RE cannot truly be effective, and I think the other  
volunteers would find you a more than credible candidate for the job  
and be willing to follow/help you as necessary.  Again, I am not  
suggesting that you volunteer (or "be volunteered" :-) for anything  
more than this 1.7.0 release, we just need to break the log jam and  
there are very few people I can think of who have demonstrated your  
level of commitment to this project (the svn logs speak for  

- Jordan

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