
* Altoine Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [22.10.08 14:07]wrote:

> Please do, I am so interested.

here's the description:

In general it's as easy as

$ port install dbus +no_x11
$ port install cairo +no_x11
$ port install pango +no_x11
$ port install gtk2 +no_x11
$ port install gnucash

In detail some preparations are necessary:

I've used a non-standard prefix and a non-root installation so I had to
disable the generation of startup-items in macports.conf:

startupitem_type none

I've changed the following portfiles 


post-activate {
# file attributes ${prefix}/var/run/dbus -group messagebus -owner
        # messagebus
# file attributes ${prefix}/libexec/dbus-daemon-launch-helper -group
        # messagebus
        system "dbus-uuidgen --ensure"


#depends_run port:evince


replace --with-frontends="cbanking g2banking qbanking" by

python2.5 tries to install in /Applications/MacPort which must be
enabled in this directory or disabled in the Portfile (how?).

libgtkhtml3 needs a patch: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/16989

During the installation of slib-guile on needs to create the directory
${prefix}/share/guile/site manually and then re-enter the command 

$ ${prefix}/bin/guile16 -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'new-catalog)"

since it fails during activation.

gwenhywfar needs an version bump: https://trac.macports.org/ticket/16945

That's all. Now the commands mentioned above work.

After it's done, how can I create a package of it which doe not contain
unnecessary files and can be distributed as dmg and installed in
/Applications ?

Gruß Olaf
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