On Oct 27, 2008, at 07:10, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

On 2008-10-27 07:29:34 +0100, Rainer Müller wrote:

Shawn Protsman wrote:

To my surprise I got no entry found when I did a 'man port'. What is
the recommended method to add port manpages to the path?

Create a '/etc/paths.d/macports'?

Or add to .profile:

export MANPATH=/opt/local/share/man:$MANPATH

The latter. Using paths.d would append the MANPATH at the end, but
usually you want to add new items in front of the system provided ones.

Normally you don't even need to do anything. Having /opt/local/bin
in $path should be sufficient.

FYI, my $MANPATH is empty. This is often better this way, otherwise
there is the risk of having inconsistencies when $PATH has several
programs of the same name (each one having its own man page).

On Tiger and earlier, MANPATH is empty by default and so having /opt/ local/bin in PATH is sufficient. However on Leopard and I assume later, MANPATH is non-empty by default so you need to add /opt/local/ share/man to MANPATH. The MacPorts installer sets this up for you as needed on your OS (except of course for the bug in the 1.6.0 installer which will be fixed by the 1.7.0 installer).

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