On Dec 29, 2008, at 00:45, nicerobot wrote:

I fully understand the design decision. My point is that the decision is flawed because it's too inflexible. Macports should be more versatile with respect to perl because perl modules aren't generally treated the same as
binary libraries (i.e. the FAQ link you referenced isn't completely
applicable to perl modules). It's completely acceptable and understandable for macports to provide it's own version(s) of perl and even to require a set of modules. There's just absolutely no reason whatsoever that macport's version of perl can't, for those that decide to do so, share/ combine the @INC with the OS's perl's @INC, especially when the two builds of perl are
identical versions.

That's just it -- the version of Perl included with Mac OS X and the version of perl5.8 in MacPorts happen to be identical at this moment in time -- they're both 5.8.8. But Perl 5.8.9 was released two weeks ago, and the perl5.8 port will likely be updated to that version soon. Then they are different versions. Based on past experience, I would guess Apple will never update the version of Perl provided in Panther (because they're not updating anything for Panther anymore), and they'll probably only update the versions in Tiger and Leopard if the new version fixes a security issue or some other show-stopper, and even then they may not do so for months. This is the whole reason we want MacPorts to use software provided by MacPorts, and not software provided by Apple in Mac OS X -- so that we're not stuck to whatever release schedule Apple decides to use.

We also routinely have trouble when users have already installed software in /usr/local and then start using MacPorts -- lots of software in MacPorts looks in /usr/local first and if it finds what it's looking for, uses that version of the software instead of the copy MacPorts installed, and then things often don't work right because the version in /usr/local is older than what we need.

The point, as others have made, is that things work best when you let MacPorts manage all your software for you.

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