I can't build gnucash because gnome-doc-utils won't build.  It won't
build because db2omf isn't installed, and I can't figure out which
port it should be in.

I only started using MacPorts just last night, so I am very much a
newbie.  How can I find out which port has a given file in it?  I
thought "port provides db2omf" would do that, but apparently it only
works when a file is already installed.

In looking through the bug reports in Trac, I see lots of problems
about gnome-doc-utils not building, that were fixed and the tickets
closed.  Well it looks like it's broken again.

I thought maybe installing linuxdoc would give me db2omf, as it was
apparently developed for linuxdoc at first, but linuxdoc-1.1.tar.gz
fails to download from any of MacPort's mirror servers.

Thanks for any help you can give me,

Michael David Crawford
mdcrawford at gmail dot com

   I'm looking for a job in Silicon Valley:
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