I do not know anything about stompserver.  How I would debug this...

Can you start the server by hand, on the command line? If so, sounds like you are doing pretty good. Are you sure that --working_dir=/var" is correct? My understanding is that path is a portfile violation,

Then again, any launchd item installed by MP is going outside of $ {prefix}, so there have been provisions to allow it. Though it is just a symblink.

Maybe you need --working_dir=${prefix}/var" to keep everything in prefix?

If you can run via command line, great, you can then point the finger at debugging around the launchd item. At that point, I wold make a basic launchd item by hand. Look at something like "com.apple.ReportCrash.plist" for a basic shell template to use.

For example, I have a backup script, called at 12:15 AM daily, it calls a shell script, which yours could do, or if it is simple, it can just call the one command you need to run.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd ">
<plist version="1.0">

To start that I run
        `sudo launcctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.me.backup.mysql5

the -w will remove any disabled flags that may have been there. This would run, past a reboot, until I run

`sudo launcctl unload -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.me.backup.mysql5` which will add in:


com.me.backup.mysql5 will then never run, even past a reboot with unload -w.

Launchd is picky about paths, spaced, arguments with leading double dashes, and a number of things. Aside from the most basic one liner scripts. I shove my core code logic in a executable file, and then let launchd cal that.

Since I do not know about stompserver, all I can add is, get it running, and see if you can get it running with a standard launchd item. Watch your system.log wen you load and unload. ( tail -f /var/ log/system.log )

Watch the system log when you start via daemondo, it can be telling in a number of ways. If you get it working via your own launchd, you can decide to just bundle the plist in "files", xinstall it into place, or just ui message the user on what to do.

I do something like this: ( as a ui message )
     To install the launchd item, issue the following commands:
          cd ${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/
sudo cp org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist.server.sample /Library/ LaunchDaemons/org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist
            - or -
sudo cp org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist.basic.sample /Library/ LaunchDaemons/org.pure-ftpd.ftpd.plist
            - and then load the launchd item -
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.pure- ftpd.ftpd.plist

          You can now test the server with:
               ftp localhost
          You should see a Welcome to ${pretty_name} message.

Which is my opinion, pretty nice, as it echos out a clean message to the user to explain just how to get stared. Often times I `sudo port install something`, and am then left with having to `sudo port edit something` just to see what the file were set to be made to do.

Sorry I was not more specific help, but this is exactly how I have had to troubleshoot ports I am working on. You may have better luck on the MacPorts dev list as well.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ *

On Nov 8, 2009, at 11:39 AM, dreamcat four wrote:


I've got the following:

$ gem install stompserver

startupitem.create              yes
startupitem.name                rb-stompserver
startupitem.logevents   yes
startupitem.logfile             /var/log/stompserver.log
startupitem.pidfile             auto /var/log/stompserver.pid

# startupitem.executable  "ruby
${prefix}/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver --working_dir=/var"
# startupitem.executable  "/opt/local/bin/ruby
${prefix}/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver --working_dir=/var"
# startupitem.executable  "/opt/local/bin/ruby
${prefix}/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver --working_dir /var"
startupitem.executable  "${prefix}/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver
--working_dir /var"

which creates the attached plist file. But for the life of me it just
won't start.

$ sudo port uninstall rb-stompserver && sudo port clean --dist
rb-stompserver && sudo port install stompserver
$ sudo port load rb-stompserver
$ cat /var/log/stompserver.log:

2009-11-08 19:22:39 rb-stompserver: Unable to launch process
/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver --working_dir /var.
2009-11-08 19:23:09 rb-stompserver: error while starting
2009-11-08 19:23:09 rb-stompserver: Starting process
2009-11-08 19:23:09 rb-stompserver: Unable to launch process
/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver --working_dir /var.
2009-11-08 19:23:39 rb-stompserver: error while starting
2009-11-08 19:23:39 rb-stompserver: Starting process
2009-11-08 19:23:39 rb-stompserver: Unable to launch process
/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver --working_dir /var.
2009-11-08 19:24:09 rb-stompserver: error while starting
2009-11-08 19:24:09 rb-stompserver: Starting process
2009-11-08 19:24:09 rb-stompserver: Unable to launch process
/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/bin/stompserver --working_dir /var.

You get the picture.
Such error message corresponds to forking execvp() call in the Daemondo C code:


main.c, line 514:
Exec(const char* const argv[], int sync)
   if (!argv || !argv[0] || !*argv[0])
       return -1;

   pid_t pid = fork();
   switch (pid)
   case 0:
       // In the child process
// Child process has no stdin, but shares stdout and stderr with us
           // Is that the right behavior?
           int nullfd = 0;
           if ((nullfd = open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY)) == -1)
           dup2(nullfd, STDIN_FILENO);

           // Launch the child
           execvp(argv[0], (char* const*)argv); // <------------- xml
params are put here from the plist

           // We get here only if the exec fails.
           LogMessage("Unable to launch process %s.\n", argv[0]); //
<-----------  execvp() fails ???

But it just doesn't make any sense to me. I can see no reason why the
ruby script should fall through and error out here. Have tried
prefixing with / without ruby binary eg 'ruby <script>'. Tried
swapping out the '=' param for a space. Made sure there were no quote
marks nor any other special shell manipulation. The same command of
course will run in a terminal. Nothing seems to change : (

Please help.

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