On Mar 31, 2010, at 9:21 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> "^abc" isn't a valid glob and shouldn't work (and doesn't):
> $ cd $(port dir zlib)
> $ find . -name ^P
> $ find . -name P
> $ find . -name P*
> ./Portfile
> "find" is case-sensitive with the -name option and case-insensitive with the 
> -iname option.
> $ find . -name Portfile
> ./Portfile
> $ find . -name portfile
> $ find . -iname portfile
> ./Portfile

All I can say is crap, and crap.

I wanted to exclude certain files to go onto a http server, one that does not 
support any languages other than shoving html back out.  So, if a link to say, 
file.php was hit, there is a chance the raw source would be served.  They only 
wanted images and .htm and .html.

Yes, there probably is a password or two in these files.

I used ^foo and was relying on my idea of find being case-i.

Thanks for pointing this out, now I have to go and hope they did not put the 
files up yet, and correct this. Then again, I was asked to do this, and just 
thought it safer, so if it blows up, I guess I could correct it then, gonna try 
and correct it ahead of time for them though.

Thanks again for pointing this out.
Scott * If you contact me off list replace talklists@ with scott@ * 

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