On 4/28/10 2:35 PM, Michael Funk wrote:
On Apr 28, 2010, at 11:46 AM, John B Brown wrote:

        I'm confused. According to the install DVDs that came with this iMac, 
the only way X11 gets in is if I install it from the DVD.

That's correct, it doesn't get installed by default, you have to do it manually.

        My screen appears no different after installing X11. How might I 
determine whether or not X11 is running? Does X11 install into the root tree 
locations that are used in Linux? I notice the /etc/X11/ paths are completely 
symbolic links into /usr/X11/lib.

It won't look any different.  You should now have 
/Applications/Utilities/X11.app.  Launch this just by double clicking it in 
Finder.  You should see an X11 icon in your Dock, and after a few seconds an 
xterm window should open up.  If both of these things happen, then X11 is 
working correctly on your system.

The X server for OS X doesn't talk directly to the graphics hardware or take 
over your screen.  When the X server is running, each X11 app you launch will 
just open up in its own window like any other app.

        Is 'launchd' part of the boot system?

Yeah, it's the equivalent of 'init' on other Unix systems.  It can also launch 
things on demand.  Specifically, you shouldn't ever have to manually launch the 
X server on OS X.  You just launch an X11 application (like xterm or whatever), 
the app tries to connect to a local socket which is associated with the X 
server, and if the X server isn't already running, then launchd is smart enough 
to launch it for you.

        The brief mention in "Mac OS X Support Essentials v10.6" by Kevin M. 
White, Apple Certified, says Apple X11 is based on XFree86 and X11 can be accessed by 
opening the X11 interface located at /Applications/Utilities/X11. It then refers all 
other questions about X11 to http://developer.apple.com/opensource/tools/X11.html. Such 
irrelevant subjects as 'remote ssh', forwarding, tunneling are mentioned there as 
examples of X11 configurations. Not exactly simple user help.

Well, these are all pretty advanced topics, I wouldn't expect them to write up 
an 'Intro to X11'-type of thing.  I think their attitude is that if someone is 
technical enough to want to run X11 apps on their Mac, no simple user help is 
required.  That said, I wish there was a little more documentation for this 

        I just tried startx. X11 would not launch. The error message:

I wouldn't expect startx to work, since that launches a window manager among 
other things.  Normally you wouldn't run X11 with a window manager on a Mac, 
since the X server doesn't take over the screen and the apps just open up in 
standalone windows.  Supposedly you can run the X server in full screen mode 
and use your own window manager and so on, but I've never tried doing that and 
don't know what's involved.

dyld: Library not loaded: 
  Referenced from: 
  Reason: Incompatible library version: ImageIO requires version 1.0.0 or 
later, but libTIFF.dylib provides version 0.0.0

Not sure what might be causing this, but since you don't need to run startx, I 
wouldn't worry about it unless you run into it in some other context.

        I've seen that error message before, during compiles that try to link 
libTIFF.dylib from the Apple default location. How do I overcome poorly 
integrated Apple libraries?

They're pretty well integrated, no one should be directly linking to that build 
of libtiff anyway.  Since it's deep in the framework directory (as opposed to 
just sitting out in the open in /usr/lib), it should be thought of as being 
private to the ImageIO framework.  It's not there for anything else to link to. 
 If you want to use libtiff directly for anything, I'd suggest building it 
yourself or using the libtiff port.

   Good luck,

Running X11.app from Utilities under Applications results in the following error message in a separate window.

Process:         X11.bin [160]
Path:            /Applications/Utilities/X11.app/Contents/MacOS/X11
Identifier:      org.x.X11
Version:         ??? (???)
Build Info:      X11server-850200~13
Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:  launchd [93]

Date/Time:       2010-04-28 16:48:22.241 -0600
OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.3 (10D578)
Report Version:  6

Interval Since Last Report:          15785 sec
Crashes Since Last Report:           4167
Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   2227
Anonymous UUID:                      AE7A43E3-F36C-4405-AA46-4AFCF3952DAA

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread:  0

Dyld Error Message:
  Library not loaded: 
  Referenced from: 
  Reason: Incompatible library version: ImageIO requires version 1.0.0 or 
later, but libTIFF.dylib provides version 0.0.0

Model: iMac9,1, BootROM IM91.008D.B08, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 3.06 
GHz, 4 GB, SMC 1.45f0
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 130, NVIDIA GeForce GT 130, PCIe, 512 MB
Memory Module: global_name
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x8E), Broadcom 
BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 2.3.1f4, 2 service, 2 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
Serial ATA Device: ST31000342ASQ, 931.51 GB
Serial ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GA11N
USB Device: Built-in iSight, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8502, 0x24400000
USB Device: IR Receiver, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8242, 0x04500000
USB Device: USB Hub, 0x05e3  (Genesys Logic, Inc.), 0x0604, 0x06400000
USB Device: Trackball, 0x046d  (Logitech Inc.), 0xc404, 0x06420000
USB Device: Logitech USB Keyboard, 0x046d  (Logitech Inc.), 0xc315, 0x06200000
USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0x06100000
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, 0x05ac  (Apple Inc.), 0x8215, 

As you can plainly see, trying to start X11 using the X11.app utility results in exactly the same versioning error; startx has nothing to do with that error.

As I said before, its an Apple built-in error; Apple compiled and installed the library. This is the result of the regular update which drops new binary sets down the wire as they are produced and Apple releases them. In this case it was an Xcode update; I certainly never compiled that mis-versioned library.

        So, X11 wont run now because of that version error.

        Any suggestions?

        Incidentally, the box the error appeared in had this.

"This report will be sent to apple automatically."

That's my typing; the box wont let me copy and paste from its facia. There's bunches more on the facia, but I'm not going to type it all out.


        John B. Brown.
        358 High Street,
        Buffalo, Wyoming

"Freedom is not worth having if it does not include
the freedom to make mistakes"  Mahatma Gandhi
"If any question why we died, tell them,
because our fathers lied."  Rudyard Kipling
"A man who does not know the truth is just an idiot
but a man who knows the truth and calls it a lie
is a crook."  Bertolt Brecht
"I wonder whether the world is being run
by smart people who are putting us on
or by imbeciles who really mean it."  Mark Twain
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