On May 1, 2010, at 8:18 AM, Steve Morris wrote:

Thanks Brad,

I'm trying but I am new at this. I apologize but I need a little more
info than the local-repositories guide and the ticket offers. I edited
sources.conf, and created a ~/ports directory to match the URL I added
but I don't know what to put inside that directory. Presumably the
Portfile in the ticket you created but where does it go? Which
subdirectory do I create for it? And what is the port command do I
need to use it. I'm guessing "port install p5-mac-growl"?



Steve, if you don't already have a local repo to try out this port look here
to learn how to set one up:


port search p5-*

This will give you a list of all the p5 (perl modules) in macports.

Picking one of them lets see what category macports keeps p5's in.

port dir p5-algorithm-annotate

Now cd to your local repo and create your category and port dir.

cd ~/ports
mkdir -p perl/p5-mac-growl

Now cd to your port dir and grab the file. I'm choosing to use curl but how ever you want to get it there is fine.
cd perl/p5-mac-growl
curl http://trac.macports.org/raw-attachment/ticket/24748/Portfile -O

Now you could just build the port while in the port dir but for the sake of learning lets let port know about our new port.
cd ~/ports
port dir p5-mac-grow

Now that port is aware of your new port you can install it as any other port.
port install p5-mac-grow

// Brad
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