On Sep 17, 2010, at 12:48 PM, Adam Mercer wrote:
> Looking at the history, the use of macports gcc was added when atlas
> was added as a dependency [1]. I believe this was due to compiler ABI
> differences.

Thanks Adam; seems like maybe MacPorts/GCC/whatever don't have those 
differences any longer?

If I remove from the py26-numpy port file lines 44-66 (and, the extra space on 
line 67):

starting with (44)
variant gcc43 conflicts gcc44 description {Use the gcc43 compiler (enables 
fortran code)} {
and going through (64-66)
if {![variant_isset gcc43]} {
    default_variants +gcc44
then I find that this port works just as well as before, and the +universal 
variant also works.

If I do:

% sudo port extract py26-numpy
% pushd `port dir py26-numpy`/work/numpy-1.5.0
% find . -name "*.f*"

I see that all of the fortran files are used for testing or in documentation.  
Hence, from multiple perspectives I don't see the need for a fortran compiler, 
or for using gcc43/44/45 whatever.  Apple's GCC seems to work just fine, and it 
allows +universal to work pretty much out of the release code.

Admittedly, I'm a single person running on 10.6.4 x86_64.  Maybe this change 
won't work on 10.5 or for someone else?  I hope others can test it. - MLD
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