
I did all of the cleaning I knew how, and the results are not good.  I still 
get "Could not find mysqld" and the statement that non-existent directories 
were searched.  I can fix that with --basedir= or --srcdir=, but that will not 
help if mysqld is corrupt which it is.  It appears that my Mac is corrupting 
mysqld when I download it.  I am going to open another thread asking if anyone 
could send me a copy of the contents of a current mysqld.  Maybe that way I can 
determine what is happening when I download one.


On Mar 7, 2011, at 9:05 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Mar 7, 2011, at 19:29, David Gentry wrote:

> I apologize for the message below.  After I sent it, I discovered that my 
> mysqld file is not provided by MacPorts.  None of the other files I moved 
> today are provided by MacPorts either.
> Since they are not provided by MacPorts, I trashed my mysqld file and the 
> other files I moved to /opt/local/lib/mysql5/bin.
> Please ignore the below message!  I am sorry for any inconvenience it caused.
> Unless you have a better idea, I am going to:
> 1. Delete the mysql and mysql-server ports in the manner you described in an 
> email to me.
> 2. Delete all other files on my Mac with "mysql" in the names that could 
> possibly conflict with files from MacPorts.
> 3. Again, install the mysql and mysql-server ports.
> 4. Return to the wiki to set up a main database, etc.

Ah, I'm glad you found that the files were not the ones provided by MacPorts, 
because I wasn't sure what to suggest otherwise. Let us know if everything 
works after cleaning up and trying again.

David J. Gentry
Good Things -- Small Packages, LLC

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