On Apr 19, 2011, at 03:31, Nathan Derstine wrote:

> So I accidently left my computer unplugged while macports was installing and 
> setting up ImageMagick, and when I plugged it back in again it seemed to be 
> doing nothing.  I interrupted to program, and then tried to re-issue the 
> <sudo port install ImageMagick> command, but it didn't work.

Why not, what happened?

> I tried the same thing with uninstall, and it didn't work.

Why not, what happened?

> So I tried manually deleting the imagemagick files and then reinstalling 
> them, and now I get an error message that reads "Error: Unable to open port: 
> couldn't change working directory to 
> "/opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/release/ports/graphics/ImageMagick":
>  no such file or directory".  Can I replace this path,

Well, see, rsync.macports.org/release/ports is the directory that contains the 
instructions for how to install all the ports; if you've deleted parts of that, 
then MacPorts won't know how to install those ports anymore. The 
rsync.macports.org directory isn't really meant for you to modify, since 
MacPorts will throw away your changes when you sync. So that's also the 
solution for how you get it back: just sync ("sudo port sync").

> or is it best just to totally uninstall macports and start clean?  I haven't 
> done anything with it yet so it's not like I'd be losing any settings.  I've 
> only been working in a unix/command line environment for about a week now, so 
> any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Uninstalling and reinstalling MacPorts is another option; sounds like that 
wouldn't be too inconvenient for you at this stage, if you decide to go that 
route. Uninstallation instructions are in the Guide. However, looking forward 
to the day when you do have lots of things installed with MacPorts and 
uninstalling completely would be an inconvenience, you may want to pursue the 
above less-destructive route, in order to familiarize yourself with how 
MacPorts works. In the event the above doesn't work, please show us what you 
typed and what error messages were returned.

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