On 4 Jun 2011, at 23:47, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

> On Jun 4, 2011, at 17:23, Mark Hattam wrote:
>> Having just done port updates for dbus and dovecot2 this evening, they both 
>> printed out similar guidance messages about startup items.
>> But I don't understand why dbus uses "launchctl load" whereas dovecot uses 
>> "port load" ... is there a difference?
> <snip/>
> dbus has two startup items, so it can't use MacPorts code to create them, and 
> furthermore needs one of them started as root, the other not as root. 
> Therefore it prints its own instructions.

This may be why my gnome-session fails to open a dbus connection - I did both 
the launchctl's under sudo; how can I 'undo' the sudo for 
freedesktop.dbus-session and redo it as my local user?

Regards, Andy

Andrew Long
andrew dot long at yahoo dot com

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