On Oct 28, 2011, at 11:16 AM, Joe VanAndel wrote:
> Any idea why installing py27-scipy insists on building gcc44?

it doesn't:

 port variants py26-scipy
py26-scipy has the variants:
   atlas: Use MacPorts ATLAS libraries
   gcc42: Use gcc 4.2 tool chain for building
     * conflicts with gcc43 gcc44 gcc45
   gcc43: Use gcc 4.3 tool chain for building
     * conflicts with gcc42 gcc44 gcc45
[+]gcc44: Use gfortran-mp-4.4 as fortran compiler
     * conflicts with gcc42 gcc43 gcc45
   gcc45: Use gfortran-mp-4.5 as fortran compiler
     * conflicts with gcc42 gcc43 gcc44

... but you probably mean why does it build a gcc at all?

Probably because it requires a fortran compiler to build 
(http://www.scipy.org/Installing_SciPy/BuildingGeneral) and Xcode doesn't ship 
with one.

Daniel J. Luke                                                                  
| *---------------- dl...@geeklair.net ----------------* |                      
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