On Oct 29, 2011, at 09:54, Harald Hanche-Olsen wrote:

> the majority of CPU time while compiling is system time,
> not user time. Right now, for example, I am compiling gimp2, and top
> says
> CPU usage: 10.34% user, 86.20% sys, 3.44% idle

> The system is a 13 inch MacBook Pro with SSD, not a HD. I have
> full-disk encryption enabled, but I am pretty sure this started before
> I turned it on.

I have not used Lion or its new full-disk encryption feature but that seems to 
me like a likely candidate for something that would take system time to do.

If you have another disk available without full disk encryption (an external 
hard drive or thumb drive maybe), you could compile a MacPorts installation on 
that drive and install some ports with it and see if it behaves differently.

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