Am Montag, 23. Januar 2012, 08:47:36 schrieb James Linder:
> and having done it once on a system that just works
This would be incorrect for most application cases for different reasons:

- A "LAMP" is nothing more then a Linux with Apache, MySQL and PHP 
(pre-)installed. There is no reason why Linux should really be better then Mac 
OS X here and mysql and php could be installed by ports as easy as with most 
modern linux distributions.

- even highly specific LAMP distros just bring that kind of software installed 
and preconfigured as far as this is done by most other package / port 
managers, but NOT configured to your specific needs (and by the nature of 
software like Apache and MySQL you usually have to configure it for your needs 
in the very most productional environments - i.e. which has to run on a public 
internet). The installation byself is a very smaller part compared to this.

- even on ready to run LAMP distros you have to configure wordpress and a 
reasonable database incl. their rights for it as required. The only exception 
would be a highly specific "wordpress distro" which only makes sense in demo 
scenarios (but then you could try wordpress online anywhere...), but nothing 
really more.

- it makes no sense to run a complete operating system instance just to avoid 
the configuration of one application like wordpress.




Niels Dettenbach
Syndicat IT&Internet

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