On 2012-5-16 06:01 , Arno Hautala wrote:
> On 5/15/12, C D <macosx12...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
>>  Then there might be a bug: following the procedure in
>> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/howto/ShareArchives2, I have set up a local
>> archive repository, which I access through the URL http://localhost:6227/ .
>> When this URL is put into ${prefix}/etc/archive_sites.conf, the port number
>> 6227 gets replaced with the port name in the fetch command. E.g.: "port -v
>> upgrade openssl" leads to
>> "--->  Attempting to fetch
>> openssl-1.0.1c_0+universal.darwin_10.i386-x86_64.tbz2 from
>> http://localhostopenssl/openssl";
>> instead of "[...] from http://localhost:6227/openssl";.
> This does, at least initially, sound like a bug, unless there's a new
> way to specify the port number.
> I haven't upgraded yet, but I should have time later today; when I'll
> investigate further. In the mean time, you should be able to serve the
> portfiles on port 80 and drop the port number in
> archive_site_local.conf
> If there isn't a proper way to specify the port number, this should be
> reported as a bug ( trac.macports.org ).

It's this one:

- Josh
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