
The new Macports 2.1.0 provide a way to choose the PHP version.

I want to use sometime PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4, so i've installed PHP53 and PHP54.
I've discoverd a way to select the PHP version I want to use : sudo
port select php [phpPortName] (ie. php53 or php54).

If this way works for PHP Cli, it seems not work with apache module, I
had to manually change the symbolic link :

My "httpd.conf" loads "mod_php5.so" which is a symbolic link to
"mod_php53.so" or "mod_php54.so".
For apache "extra" module file, it's the same for both modules, so, no
need to change it.

So, "port select php" only provides a way to select the PHP cli version ?
It's seem not too hard to extend the script to take into account the
Apache module ?

By the way, some php libraries, like APC, Pear aren't provided with
the both new php ports (php53 & php54). Can we expect to see them back
(like with php5 old port) ?

Thank you so much for your job, Macports is really nice.

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