Bill Christensen wrote:
> I would love to be able to have one-click updating on all of my 50+
> wordpress installs, but I'm not willing to chance the security
> problems.   If someone has a better way, I'd love to hear it.  The only
> thing I've ever gotten out of the WordPress forums is "it's a server
> thing".  Despite my already having stated that I'm running the dang server.

Let me get this straight :
+ you are running your very own dang Apache2 server
+ you've got 50 individual installs of WordPress
+ you'ld like to upgrade all instances of WP in one go

Some scripting ought to be able to fix that problem.
Qs :
+ do you have a logical/similiar file structure for where the WPs
  are installed like eg Sites/gTLD/domain/server/wp/ for all the
  WP installs ?

A pseudo alogrithm for this could look like this:

for each WPsite
    remove old WPfiles
    copy   new WPfiles


for each WPsite
    overwrite with new WPfiles

Bjarne D Mathiesen
København N ; Danmark ; Europa
denne besked er skrevet i et totalt M$-frit miljø
MacOS X 10.7.4 Lion ; 2.8GHz Intel Core i7 ; 16GB 1067MHz DDR3

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