
I'm trying to install dosbox

port deps dosbox
Full Name: dosbox @0.74_5
Library Dependencies: libsdl, libsdl_net, libsdl_sound, libpng

When I do port install dosbox it tries to re-install Python 2.7.3_1

sudo port install dosbox
--->  Computing dependencies for python27
--->  Staging python27 into destroot

But Python is already installed:

port installed python27
The following ports are currently installed:
python27 @2.7.3_1 (active)

Also, the Python27 build fails because it can't find some shared
objects (shoudl these be dylibs instead??). Here are some relevant
parts of the main.log file:

:info:destroot ImportError:
2): no suitable image found.  Did find:
mach-o, but wrong architecture
:info:destroot make[1]: *** [install_BuildApplet] Error 1


Alejandro Imass
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