On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 9:19 PM, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
<jerem...@macports.org> wrote:
> On Jan 16, 2013, at 17:49, Sean Farley <s...@macports.org> wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:16 PM, Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia
>> <jerem...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> On Jan 15, 2013, at 8:52 AM, Sean Farley <s...@macports.org> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:32 AM, David Barto <dba...@visionpro.com> wrote:
>>>>> fails because the /usr/lib/libstdc++.so is found first. What can I do to
>>>>> find the proper /opt/local/lib/libstdc++.so?
>>>>> I've not modified the search paths in any way, I'm just trying to compile 
>>>>> a
>>>>> c++ program using the newer standard features.
>>>> Hmm, I can't reproduce this error. Using no special environment
>>>> variables and just a vanilla install of gcc47 on Mountain Lion, I get:
>>> <snip />
>>> Yeah, all of the MacPorts gcc compilers should be using 
>>> /opt/local/lib/libstdc++.dylib instead of /usr/libstdc++.dylib.  This 
>>> should "just work" … if you're seeing something differnet, it would be 
>>> helpful to see how ld is being called by the compiler.  Run:
>>> g++-mp-4.7 -std=c++11 test11.cxx -v -Wl,-v
>>> ---
>>> That being said, is there something wrong with clang++ that is causing you 
>>> to try g++ instead?
>> Jeremy, please understand that this is a frustrating position / stance
>> to have from the perspective of the user.  In the scientific community,
>> it is *expected* to try out all the compilers you have access to.
>> Usually, this just means Intel, Portland Group, IBM, and gcc; but now
>> it also includes clang.
> Whoa … I'm simply asking if you're using g++ because you came across a bug in 
> clang++ … there's no reason to get jumpy.  I, myself, test with a huge 
> variety of compilers in order to discover potential code generation issues 
> before they effect average developers.  Don't bite me for asking.

Apologies if that was too harsh. I didn't mean to sound like I was
biting back, but rather was trying to start a dialogue / point out a
different reasoning for multiple compilers. No offense / attack was
meant; sorry.

>> Also, there are _tons_ of reasons that
>> projects use different compilers. The most common is fortran (don't
>> even get me started on Apple stripping out gfortran from gcc 4.2 AND
>> THEN providing a bogus mpif{77,90} wrapper). If your project has both
>> C++ and Fortran dependencies, then the only way to compile the Fortran
>> is to install gcc4X. Well, that usually means your configure script
>> will also pick up gcc4X's C/C++ compiler.
>> The second most common reason I've seen is the one you mention: errors
>> in the C++ compiler. If Apple decides to update their Xcode clang
>> version to 3.1 or later anytime soon
> XCode 4.5 (and I think 4.4) was based on llvm 3.1
>> , then everyone on a mac will run into this bug,
>> http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=14768
> The compiler distributed with Xcode has assertions disabled by default, so 
> end users are likely to not trip over that assertion.  What affect that 
> actually has on generated code, I don't know… but thanks for pointing that 
> out to me.

Ah, that would explain why there's no crash for the Apple compiler.
Thanks for explaining that.

>> I personally have had clang++ bugs with libmesh, moose, armadillo, and
>> dolfin.
> There are plenty of g++ bugs as well ;) … have you filed radars (or at least 
> llvm bugzilla reports) about all of the clang issues you are finding?  Can 
> you point me to them?

Unfortunately, 1) I didn't report them at the time (and can't
reproduce) and 2) some of the repos are private :-(

>> What makes this sentiment frustrating is the whole "use this
>> one version of the library with no optimization or debug control"
>> which is at odds with "try this library with {gcc,clang,etc.}'s
>> -O{1,2,3} and then write a paper about the results."
> I'm not really sure I know what you're referring to with the above sentence.

Ah, I meant to explain the need for having multiple versions of a
library / program with different optimization levels for numerical

>> This actually was
>> my whole motivation for writing scienceports: provide a way to use a
>> library with gcc4X or clang3X and somehow manage the combinatorial
>> explosion of variants (the correct data structure, by the way, is a
>> DAG).
> How are you planning to manage the inherent difficulty with some clients 
> using libstdc++ and libc++?  It's possible for two separate libraries to use 
> different C++ runtime versions so long as they're not passing objects back 
> and forth, but most of the time, libraries that are implemented in C++ 
> provide C++ APIs to that library.

You are right to point out that a DAG alone won't solve compatibility
issues. I just meant that it's impossible to do correct dependency
analysis without having (or having something isomorphic to) a DAG.

>> Ok, this rant is too long now. I hope no one is offended as I tried to
>> explain some of the science community's frustration.
> Please try to be specific about issues you are concerned with.

Agreed, I'll try to be more specific.

> The bug you mentioned earlier was just reported two weeks ago, so you can't 
> reasonably expect it to have been triaged and fixed by now unless you're 
> willing to hack on the compiler yourself.  Additionally, you have the option 
> of disabling assertions in clang if you want to get past it (although I don't 
> know what the result would be since the assertion may actually be reasonable, 
> or it may just be a bad assert … I haven't investigated).

Sorry for the miscommunication, I just meant it as a real world bug I
ran into with using clang and that might be why someone needs to use
gcc. I wasn't expecting it to be fixed this soon.

> Can you please provide the information I requested regarding libstdc++ 
> linkage?

I thought you were talking to the guy that reported the error?

> What other issues are you specifically frustrated with?

Pretty much just the ability to easily manage ports compiled with
different compilers.
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