On Feb 1, 2013, at 3:45 AM, Chris Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

>>>> However, for me there is a learning curve to be climbed on Objective C, 
>>>> Cocoa and Xcode.  I don't know if I have the energy for that.  I will be 
>>>> 75 next month and I wrote my first computer program about 50 years ago in 
>>>> Autocoder on a Ferrant Sirius, which is now in a local museum.  So don't 
>>>> expect too much … :-)
>>> I just want to point out that this is where having a gui that is open 
>>> source would really help: the responsibility wouldn't have to be shouldered 
>>> by just one person.
> Well yes, one particular person may well be more or less familiar with 
> certain toolkits, but that is not what was being discussed.
> I still do not see the connection between the licensing of a particular 
> toolkit and the number of authors that can work on it project using it.

The "gui that is open source" is the hypothetical MacPorts GUI, not Xcode. Sean 
was asserting that if Ian were to commence work on an open source GUI (in 
contrast to Kevin's closed-source PortAuthority), he would be able to benefit 
from the efforts of others.

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