On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:59 PM, Lawrence Velázquez <lar...@macports.org> wrote:


> I interpreted it to be about interspersing Unix commands with prose, in 
> emails and such.

That seems to be the general consensus. Nevertheless, from the
"learning UNIX" and an earlier post
I assumed it was more in the likes of "where do I type my Unix


> I don't see how bash is a Linux-ism.

Bash was built for GNU and Linux is on the GNU line and Bash has been
the default Linux shell AFAICR.

> Do modern BSDs tend to default to another shell?

sh and maybe tcsh - no bash included on most BSDs AFAIK unless it's from ports.


>> On this list I would suspect that you won't get much help for learning how 
>> to use your Mac OS X as a Unix box, but rather more specifically on problems 
>> with MacPorts.
> The members of this list will help in any way they can, although (as usual) 
> it is appreciated if you do basic research before posting, using resources 
> like Stack Overflow and Super User.

That holds true for just about any list. The point being made was that
every list has a topic and this one in particular is "General support
for installation and usage of MacPorts.", so the suggestion to the OP
is that he would probably get a lot more help in a more generic
Mac-Unix list or forum and was hoping someone would jump in and
suggest one.

Your suggestions of Stack Overflow and Super User I think are a good
starting points.

> It's not a MacPorts-only list.

I disagree here. Whilst there is always some OT discussion, like tis
one, most posts should stick with the list's topic.

JMHO anyway.


Alejandro Imass

> vq
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