I've been (futilely) been trying to get tomcat6 to work properly, with help 
from others on this list. 

But if I succeed, will I be hiting a wall? Do I understand correctly that one 
cannot use Java 7 to prepare servlet classes to run under tomcat 6 -- that one 
must use Java 6 instead?

I'm running "Java 7", i.e., jdk1.7.0_17, and I need that in order to use Java 
applets in Safari. 

That's because:

 - Apple disabled Java in the browser;
 - the only way of to get a working Java browser plug-in is to install from 
Oracle's distribution, and that's Java 7.

Murray Eisenberg                     murrayeisenb...@gmail.com
80 Fearing Street                      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
Amherst, MA 01002-1912

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