I am trying to install a package, and have run into a problem.  
I did make sure that I am running the correct python:
I have pip-2.6 installed, and I have used port select to make sure that macport 
python26 is active.  If I then do:
sudo pip-2.6  install PyJSBSim I get progress and then I see:
Successfully installed PyJSBSim

If I do:  pip-2.6 freeze, then I see it present:  

But if I then try to use it, from within python, it doesn't seem to be present. 
 In python I get this:
from PyJSBSim import FGFDMExec
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named PyJSBSim

But, if I look in:
I see these:  

I know that this worked for me a couple of months back with 10.6, but I 
recently upgrade to 10.8 and now it just doesn't seem to show up.  Any 
suggestions?  Does 10.8 handle search paths any differently?  I did do a full 
fresh install of all ports.  

So the bottom line is that the port of pip-2.6 thinks it is installing 
something, but the selected python then doesn't actually see it.

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