On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 06:02:49PM +0200, Freek Dijkstra wrote:
> Is there a way to enforce building of a package, thus disabling
> downloads of precompiles binary archives?

Use port -s or set buildfromsource always in macports.conf

> PS: for those wondering why (as a precompiled package is usually the
> same as the one build locally): I use python32 variant +ucs4, and when
> compiling binary modules (such as py32-Pillow), the package is
> different based on the python variant. Apparently, the precompiled
> version is compile --without-wide-unicode (the ucs2 variant), while
> I'm using the ucs4 variant (--with-wide-unicode).

That's a bug in the package you're trying to build and should be filed
as such.

Clemens Lang

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