
> So let's be a little more specific.  You are saying that it's
> /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib that are the problem, not
> /usr/local/bin, right?  Otherwise you're saying that, for example,
> MacPorts is incompatible with BBEdit (which puts symlinks in
> /usr/local/bin).  Very few "ordinary" installers install into
> /usr/local/include or /usr/local/lib, but a number install to
> /usr/local/bin.  I don't see that as a major problem.

Unfortunately it isn't that simple to tell – there might be software compiled 
using MacPorts that executes tools without absolute paths at runtime which 
could, depending on the order of directories in your $PATH variable pick up an 
incompatible version of something from /usr/local. I agree this possibility 
*is* getting rather remote, though.

Clemens Lang
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