On 15/02/2014 10:26 am, Brandon Allbery wrote:
On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 9:19 PM, James Linder <j...@tigger.ws <mailto:j...@tigger.ws>> wrote:

    I took this picture to show (on ps) XQuartz is running, gnuplot is
    running but there is no display. I'm stumped for ideas

There's a "stuck" "xset b off" showing in that ps output. This makes me think something is wrong with xquartz config; might be worth reinstalling it to make sure the launchd stuff is done correctly, then log out and back in to activate it.

Also take a look in /Applications/Utilities/Console.app to see if it's logged any weird messages.

Brandon thanks so much for the help. Why xset -b is a problem I dunno, but removing it from .profile fixed my issues with X11 not running. I have now got the XQuartz dmg, not the macports version, dunno if that is significant but all is working

Thank you
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