On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 6:58 PM, Clemens Lang <c...@macports.org> wrote:
> Hi Alejandro,
> I can assure you that is not the case. I'm on Mavericks, don't have 
> /usr/bin/gnutar and no gnutar port installed and gdbm builds fine from source 
> (even in the sandbox hiding /usr/local and all files gdbm doesn't depend on) 
> for me.


> Please don't change stuff in /usr/bin - that's Apple-land. Furthermore, this 
> symlink might later be picked up by MacPorts' configure script during its 
> next selfupdate and then end up getting baked into your MacPorts release, 
> effectively breaking it when you (or the next OS upgrade) ever remove it 
> again. So, save yourself some trouble, delete the symlink and follow the 
> instructions specifically laid out for this very case:
>  - https://trac.macports.org/wiki/MavericksProblems#UpdatingMacPortsBase
>  - https://trac.macports.org/wiki/Migration (since you didn't do that after 
> upgrading to Mavericks, I assume)
>  - 
> http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/106189/missing-usr-bin-gnutar-on-mavericks-macports
>  - https://twitter.com/macports/status/393296788062355456
>  - and the numerous mentions of this very issue on this mailing list
> After you've done Migration, everything should be back to normal again.
> --
> Clemens Lang

Thanks a lot for both your replies. I will follow the upgrade
procedure then. I was running a pretty well updated version of Xcode
and OS X and since my Xcode didn't change I figured it was just a
minor nuance but apparently it's not. 5 mins after I wrote the email I
saw the first big gotcha with llvm 3 :(

Thanks again!

Alejandro Imass
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